29 Mar 2011

Media Project - Stage Four

I'm half thinking that once again I have given myself too much work to do. The thing is, is that I'm enjoying making it. Using a lot of tutorial knowledge I have accumulated over the last few years, I finally have chance to use it.

So my next section was going to be Anchorage. I started out looking over my blog and decided to use the same images of the picture of the explosion by Goran Tomasevic and how the different newspapers used it to report different things.

Taking the image I duplicated it and then cut the 'cloud' part away from the foreground. I further cut the cloud down into different parts so I could animate them separately.  So as the camera arrives at the image it is animating out, and I put in a camera flash and sound. Overlaying the different Newspaper heading and Text it shows the difference.

I also think I have to expand each section, to 2 item maybe. So I have put the image Will used from his anchorage lecture, and animated different word appearing on it.

I'm also thinking of doing a semiotics section, expanding the perspective section, a Light and dark  painting section and a section for the 3 main texts for the module.

I have also found some music I like to put over the video, but music and divide people. Different tastes can put people off so I may try and find some neutral music also.

Anyhoo as usual progress so far is posted below.

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