3 Mar 2011

Visual Communication - The Beginning.

This is Post one of twenty, in a series of blogs connected to Visual Communication. In these posts I will be investigating the theories and various ideas connected to Imagery, semiotics and composition. Using material from my module lectures, reading lists and my own research, I will be composing my thoughts within these pages.

Firstly, Using the reading lists I shall start to understand some of the established theories, and hopefully find some examples to either back them up or give evidence of my own thoughts.

So, I have just finished reading and watching extracts from Ways of Seeing by John Berger. There were many ideas to think about from just this small amount of material. What connected with me the most was how original works of Art, or Original images can be manipulated through either editing, taking smaller sections out of context or application of other media such as sounds / music.

In this clip,Berger toys with this theory of how various works can be manipulated to 2 different moods, using a Caravaggio painting of Christ. Using 2 different music scores, 2 different stories are presented.

This prompted me to experiement with this idea and create the video below.

Using this painting (John Everett Millias' Ophilia), I created 2 clips using different portions of the image, set to 2 different pieces of music.

For the 1st video I brightened the image and used music with a warm feel.

In the 2nd clip I darkened the image to give a more somber feel and also added more sombre music. This time allowing the viewer to see the body of Ophilia in the water.

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