So, I'm trying to limp over the finish line with the blog count, having written my 20th blog last week after finishing my media product, and I have ran out of things to rant about. (must be the first time)
Looking at the overall importance of Visual Communication and a the phrase 'a picture is worth a thousand words' springs to mind. The importance of written word is ingrained from an early age, but is the visual image subconsciously greater?
Thinking of some images that can capture the mood, time and consciousness of the collective people is a much more powerful statement than the sum of numerous articles and text books. The right image at the right time can stand on its own without anchorage, which will live on and become to stand for more than just the original image. I tried to find some examples below.
The above don't need descriptions, as they have been subconsciously taken in by our collective minds and given meaning, meaning which would be hard to portray in textual form with the same impact.
Take the Che image below,
most younger people don't really know who he is or what he has done, (ill admit I only took the trouble to find out myself recently) but most people will associate the image with revolution (hopefully not just from the pub chain) as it is used in that context and subconsciously taken in. The image has grown outside itself to describe a mood, emotion and is now a lot bigger than what the original was taken for. The power of the image is that it cant expand and encompass, where as text is just text.
Having a bit of time off, I noticed that I have subconsciously taken in various images, like the art gallery I created in 3d, from a TV sit com I recently watched and it is extremely similar. How much we absorb without knowing it is actually quite scary.
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