11 Apr 2011

Media project – Complete

So here it is, my media project. Taking inspiration from a computer game cut scene, I wanted to create a review of the Visual Communication Module in a Visual form. Using AfterEffects, I created a virtual Gallery, and zoomed the camera into a painting. I tried to journey through the theory of the module, its ideas and its application. As always I’m sure it could be improved on or I could expand on certain ideas, but I think at some point I had to just say, ‘that’s it’ or I would have never stopped tweaking. I am proud of it and I do think it is pretty cool.

I do think that I have tailored it more to film and how it relates to film, in its presentation. I have implemented many different techniques in my goal to visualise certain ideas and that in its self was the hardest part to do. Removing words and text and trying to convey an idea does seem to be reverting back to a more primitive way of communication, but because of the power of digital art (the wrapper so to speak) It still feels contemporary.

Thinking in the purely visual, does take effort but most of the rules and conventions are already formed in your subconscious. The art of Advertising on a subliminal level has been permeating through, after years of being a consumer of visual tricks and used in everyday life. Understanding these rules do bring these ideas to the foreground but as said before also take away the innocence of enjoying images for what they are.

Overall, I have enjoyed this module and found it very relevant to my course, and have also enjoyed exploring and evaluating the topics highlighted within.

Using around 20 images, 1 music track (‘come with me’ puff daddy – Godzilla track) 5 sound effects, 30 hours using Adobe After Effects, 2 video clips and my own brain, I have interpreted the Visual Communication module and presented it in the below Visual Form. Enjoy! (please be patient, its 720p resolution and was nearly 2gig before upload so does take a while to load)

1 comment:

  1. What a great media product. You show a very good understanding of the issues addressed on the module. Also, by integrating your knowledge of the issues with the development of the media product you have produced a blog that seems to work well on different levels. This is excellent! You analysis of the images is really well grounded in the theory but also has a real personal angle to it suggesting a real intimacy with the all of the material relating to Visual Communication. All done with creativity and imagination. Well done!
